We're so glad you want to check us out! Here's some info you might find helpful in planning your visit to Oakland Presbyterian!
8:45 Contemporary
Praise band, prayer time, Communion, and teaching,
in a casual setting.
11:00 Traditional
Hymns, choir, liturgy and teaching! Communion is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Kids' Church
Available for both services: just check in children from 3yo to 5th grade on arrival, and they can head to their own age-appropriate learning and activities when dismissed from service. We also have a nursery for children 3 and under. All are optional! We welcome children of all ages to stay with their families if that is your preference!
Sunday School
9:45-10:30 am
Family Class
Women of Faith
The Forum Group
Band of Brothers
Breakfast Club

If the paved spots are full, just use the grass! We have designated visitor parking just off the main drive, near the entrance to the sanctuary.